Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lazy Bones

So lately I've been saying I have no time to myself when I actually do have tons of time to myself. Yesterday I was suppose to work, I didn't know, they called me a few times then I decided to pick up the phone and they told me to come in. Well I told her my situation about how the carpet guy was coming and I really couldn't go in, so yeah I had the day off. Yesterday was my catch up on me day. I plucked my eye brows painted my nails, dyed my streak red again after it was orange for like weeks, clipped my nails etc. little things that take time to do and you usually put it off until you can actually take the time and do them. My eyebrows where scary, and it was only realized when i finished one and looked at the other, plus all the stray hairs on my shirt after just finishing one. Anyways it was great just being around myself. I got ready for a concert me and my brothers friends where going to and I took my time thinking this kid I had a night with was going but ended up being some other friend so yeah it was kind of lame but the concert was great. Today and Tomorrow are my days off and I'm going to do a few productive things like teach my best friend how to drive because honestly its about time she knows, prep for my weekend deliveries since I have one huge order and a really tiny one haha :) finish cleaning my room which keeps getting pushed back since its really never on the top of my priority list. I really need to hit the gym since my lazy bones hasn't made an appearance there in over two weeks because of Lore F's parents being out of town and us having fun and doing random crap but we need to buckle down and get back at it! The concert last night put me up at 4 concerts down on my 101 list which is great. Tim McGraw is excellent live and you really should go see him if you have a chance. I'm leaving you with videos of the bands a I saw yesterday enjoy :) until next time..... nice windy blue sky day.

Love and Theft - Opening Act

Lady A - Opening for Tim

Tim McGraw - Headliner 

1 comment:

  1. You lucky son of a gun. I hope you had fun! I miss you. I need a cater to me day too. Catch up on my blog
