Wednesday, July 14, 2010

drop top

So I've been lost for the last few weeks and I always say I'm going to try harder to keep up with my blog. But lets face it I may be addicted to my computer but not really addicted to work. haha But anyways it has been awhile since I've shared my thoughts on different things and there are tooo many things to bring up and explain without this being a novel. People are entering my life and leaving it as if it was a supermarket. Some I could care less for and other I do truly miss. But if you are reading this and thinking any of this is about you, you are vain as fuck. Anyways, I've have a lot of time to just sit around and think, maybe it be while I'm washing my car or working, nothing lately has needed any brain power to actually do so my mind wonders and starts thinking about all these different things. Am I wasting my life staying here in Arvin not exploring more of the world or even trying to move on.... Was my car the greatest choice for right now.... Do I really want to go to Italy or is it just for him.... My life is very secretive and yet open. I post like any other young adult what I'm constantly doing on the social networks and not really leaving anything for mystery... or am I? Last night after have a weird and awkward conversation with a friends coworker that I'm kinda going after but reconsidering... I don't know what to think about people addicted to drugs. Some seem so normal but when they flip over to their other side man its like day and night. But anyways when more develops I'll let you know. But after that I put down my rag top and drove home. It was a clear night the wind was blowing earlier so it cleared out all the smog. Moon wasn't out yet but all i could see is stars. I'm a big sucker for two things: acoustic guitars and midnight drives. Feeling the wind in my hair and feeling the cool air, looking up at the stars it was pretty magical. I love these kind of nights where the heat is gone and its peaceful. But now to finishing what I really need to do. Til next time........... italian stallion.