Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Backyard Vacation, Perverted Vocalization

So I've recently fallen in love with my backyard again. My dad made a new patio and bought some furniture for it and it's been my favorite place to hang out. Right now the weather is really great slight breezes and the warm sun. UGH i love spring and summer. I really can't wait til its warm enough so we can go swimming and I can get fricken dark. I swear it's weird to think that some people really think I'm white. I don't have a hispanic accent which is usually a dead give away but I really don't understand how people really think I'm white. I have a weird vocabulary like the words I choose to use like: sweet sauce, weak, trick, etc... but I don't think that should have any deciding factors on my race. eh. whatevs. Here is an example my brothers and I went out to a hookah lounge with a bunch of friends. Well my friend yaqui brought a friend that was very "sweet" (as my professor would say) and for you idiots out there, gay. Well I fell in love with him because I really like gay guys and I love talking dirty with them about other dudes. And If you don't know me I'm a real perv, and I swear I get it from my mom because she's really bad too. And I really don't realize who I'm talking dirty in front of and, yeah... my brothers are convince I'm a huge slut, but my business is my business so whatevs. ANYWHO, me and this kid kept talking and talking I swear we where the only ones talking since everyone was super quiet and uncomfortable because that kid was "sweet" but yeah, we got to the end of this get together because me and my crew where ready to leave and the guy comes and give us a check and he's all give it to the mexican and I was like I'm hispanic too... He like REALLY? I really dont think it was that hard to not tell I'm not hispanic. But eh... Thats how I roll.  Summer is going to be great. Can't wait for my last final to roll around and I can start singing, School's out for summa! haha. I need to get my life organized and put my business on my top proirities this summer because seriously I feel I'm going to lose out if I dont get my life situated. So now to clean my room! Til the next post... nail clippings.

-fo sho

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